St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School

Behaviour and Anti-bullying

Written Statement of Behaviour Principles


Under the Education and Inspections Act 2006, governing bodies are required to publish a statement of behaviour principles for their school.


The governing body of St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School, guided by our Mission Statement: “to love, serve and learn as Jesus shows us” has therefore determined and approved these general principles which reflect the school’s ethos and recognises that effective learning and development relies on good standards of behaviour.


St Vincent’s is an inclusive school. We are committed to promoting respect, fairness and inclusion and these are the principles underlying the Behaviour Policy. We are committed to improving outcomes for our children and staff and to promoting good relations across the whole school community. We will do this through an ethos of tolerance, equality, diversity, respect, understanding, kindness and a sense of citizenship throughout the school community in everyday practice.

Behaviour Policy
Anti-bullying Policy