St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School


The National Curriculum for music outlines the knowledge that children should acquire by the end of Key Stage 1 and 2.  The document below summarises how we have mapped this knowledge across year groups, that children will build as they move through the school to enable them to achieve the end of Key Stage Expectations. Sparkyard resources are used to support teaching and learning in music. 


The music curriculum at St Vincent’s enables children to:


Develop a passion for music, in which pupils learn to appreciate music and develop a life-long love of music.


Develop their skills, knowledge and understanding, to enable them to be become confident performers, composers and listeners.


Experience a variety of genres of music from around the world and across generations, recognising the multicultural nature of our school and how we use music as a medium to explore and appreciate British and other cultures.


Develop their musical skills through singing, playing tuned and untuned instruments, composing music and responding to music that they listen to.


Develop transferrable skills which are key in their development as learners and have a wider application in their lives both inside and outside of school e.g.: team-working, leadership, creative thinking, decision-making and performance skills

Further information can be found on your child's class page to show how the knowledge and skills outlined above will be taught throughout the year.
Adaptations in Music for children with SEND:
The document below outline some adaptations that teachers could make to support children with SEND within music: