We look forward to welcoming all the children back to school at 8.30am on Wednesday 4th September!
We look forward to welcoming all the children back to school at 8.30am on Wednesday 4th September!
St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School

Message from the Chair of Governors

Welcome to the Governor pages of the school website. Here, we aim to provide you with information about who we are, what we do, what our responsibilities are and how we work together with the Head Teacher and the staff of St Vincent’s in order to provide the best possible opportunities for all the children in our care. 


One of our main responsibilities, is to provide support to the school in developing a strategic development plan, which includes key priorities for improvement.


Currently at our school, these key priorities are:

  • Curriculum plans to help pupils acquire new knowledge and develop skills
  • Embed new knowledge in pupil’s long term memory.
  • In Early Years, strengthen assessment at the start of Reception.

We meet together as a Full Governing Body every half term. There are 2 other committees  - Admissions and Pay - who meet once per year, or as required. During meetings, we discuss our progress towards achieving these key priorities for the school and work with the Head Teacher and the staff in order to provide both challenge and support.


Some Governor's hold specific responsibilities. These Governors will meet with appropriate staff, children or external advisors outside of meetings and report information back to the Full Governing Body. 


All Governors will visit school but it is important to note that the purpose of governor visits is not to assess the quality of teaching or to pursue issues that relate to the day-to-day management of the school other than as agreed with the Head Teacher. Governor visits form part of a strategic programme to:

  • Improve governor knowledge of the school, its staff, needs, priorities, strengths and areas for improvement;
  • Monitor and assess the priorities as outlined in the development plan;
  • Assist the governing body in fulfilling its statutory duties.


A copy of our Instrument of Government is attached. This is an important document which underpins all of our work in school and has been approved both by the Archdiocese and Warrington Local Authority.


We welcome your feedback and should you wish to contact any member of the Governing Body, you can send an email through the school, marked for the attention of Governors, or you can write to the Governors c/o the School Office. You will then receive a reply, within 5 working days during term time.


Helen Chaplin (Chair of Governors on behalf of the Governing Body of St Vincent’s School)