St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School

Our Vision for Teaching and Learning

Our Mission Statement is: To love, serve and learn as Jesus shows us. 


In order to achieve this Mission, we have set out 3 core aims: 

To support everyone in our school to achieve their full potential and to be inspired to learn

To reach out to our community and the world around us and respond in love and service

To follow the example of Jesus in our actions and interactions


At St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School we recognise that we are all learners, striving for excellence in all that we do and responsible for our own growth and that of those around us. We create a culture of openness, collaboration, evaluation, and challenge where everyone can enjoy success and flourish because they as individuals are valued as part of our school family.


We provide a knowledge-rich curriculum through which children develop the skills, knowledge and values to become life-long learners. We enable children to become fully human, with a strong sense of self, both as a person and as a learner, created unique and individual by God.


We believe that exceptional teaching and learning:

Is inspirational, aspirational, challenging and puts no limitation on potential
Is informed by collaborative planning, assessment and evaluation
Is built upon evidence-informed innovation, improvement and development
Builds knowledge and skills progressively through small steps, from modelled and scaffolded learning, to independent recall and application


Our approach to teaching and learning, as outlined in this policy, is rooted in evidence and research and is built around a core set of attributes and principles which are proven to have a strong impact on pupil outcomes.