St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School

Governing Body Members

The Governing Body of our school is constituted of twelve members - 7 Foundation Governors, 2 Parent Governors, 1 LA Governor, 1 Staff Governor and the Headteacher.
They meet together as a whole Governing Body once per half term.
Governors also undertake areas of responsibility.  This ensures that they work as part of the Leadership and Management of the school, to enable St Vincent's to live out the school Mission Statement fully - 'To love, serve and learn as Jesus shows us'.
The Code of Conduct for Governors outlines the roles, responsibilities and expectations of Governors in relation to fulfilling their three core strategic functions:

Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;

Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

Information about the members of the Governing Body can be found below:

Mrs Helen Chaplin

Foundation Governor

Chair of the Governing Body

Appointed: 4th January 2024 (3rd 4 year term of office) by the Archdiocese of Liverpool

Business/Pecuniary interests: Nil

Governor at any other educational establishments: No

Relationships to staff or other Governing Body members: None

Mr Peter McPartland

Parent Governor

Vice-Chair of the Governing Body

SEND / Pupil Premium Governor

Appointed: 27th September 2021 (4 year term of office) by parent/carer election

Business/Pecuniary interests: Nil

Governor at any other educational establishments: No

Relationships to staff or other Governing Body members: None

Fr Raymond Anyanwu

Foundation Governor

Appointed: 17th October 2024 (4 year term of office) by the Governing Body

Business/Pecuniary interests: Nil

Governor at any other educational establishments: No

Relationships to staff or other Governing Body members: None

Mr Paul Atherton

Foundation Governor

Finance Link Governor

Appointed: 1st September 2020 (2nd 4 year term of office) by the Archdiocese of Liverpool

Business/Pecuniary interests: Nil

Governor at any other educational establishment: No

Relationships to staff or other Governing Body members: None

Mrs Win Douglas

Foundation Governor

Appointed: 19th July 2021 (2nd 4 year term of office) by the Archdiocese of Liverpool

Business/Pecuniary interests: Nil

Governor at any other educational establishments: No

Relationships to staff or other Governing Body members: None

Miss Samantha Flynn

Staff Governor

Appointed: 24th February 2024 (2nd 4 year term of office) by staff election

Business/Pecuniary interests: Nil

Governor at any other educational establishments: No

Relationships to staff or other Governing Body members: None

Mr Matthew Jeziorski

Foundation Governor

Appointed: 1st September 2020 (4 year term of office) by the Archdiocese of Liverpool

Business/Pecuniary interests: Nil

Governor at any other educational establishments: No

Relationships to staff or other Governing Body members: None

Mrs Leanne Judson

Parent Governor

Safeguarding Governor

Appointed: 16th December 2021 (4 year term of office) by parent/carer election

Business/Pecuniary interests: Nil

Governor at any other educational establishments: No

Relationships to staff or other Governing Body members: None

Mrs Debra Pennington

Foundation Governor

Religious Education Governor

Appointed: 11th January 2022 (2nd 4 year term of office) by the Archdiocese of Liverpool

Business/Pecuniary interests: Nil

Governor at any other educational establishments: No

Relationships to staff or other Governing Body members: None

Fr John Schofield

Foundation Governor

Appointed: 9th February 2023 (4 year term of office) by the Governing Body

Business/Pecuniary interests: Nil

Governor at any other educational establishments: Yes - Governor at St Paul of the Cross and Associate at St Gregory’s

Relationships to staff or other Governing Body members: None

Mr Dominic Vernon

Head Teacher

Appointed: 1st September 2017

Business/Pecuniary interests: Nil

Governor at any other educational establishments: Yes - Governor at St Lewis' Catholic Primary School and Sandmoor Ormiston Academy

Relationships to staff or other Governing Body members: None