Welcome to Early Years!
Welcome to Early Years at St Vincents Catholic Primary School!
Your child's learning will be uploaded to Tapestry. Please upload any learning that takes place at home onto Tapestry and support your child's learning by reading to them daily and allowing them to read to you.
In Early Years, we follow the Eary Years Foundation Stage curriculum (EYFS) and it is split into seven areas of learning. These seven areas of learning are:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Physical Development
- Expressive Arts and Design
- Coummunication and Language
Religious Education is at the core of our Curriculum at St Vincent's. 10% of our curriculum time is dedicated to Religious Education - this is delivered through whole class or group input and within our continuous provision.
We look forward to teaching and supporting your child through their EYFS Journey!
Many Thanks,
Miss Wright and the EYFS Team
Our EYFS Team

Miss Kelsey Wright
Class Teacher
Miss Rachel Dugdale
Teaching Assistant

Mrs Nicola Gallagher
Teaching Assistant

Mrs Paula Gaskell
Teaching Assistant